този сайт на български
¬ Content —
¬ EDA.Online.Store - Product Description —
¬ Screen shots —
1. Introduction 2. Elements a) Products b) Users and customers c) Basket and orders d) Aditional elements 3. General structure 4. Base pages a) Products b) Pricelists and documents c) Ordering d) Your account 5. Aditional pages a) About company b) Contact c) Help 6. Admin site a) Products management b) Management of Customers c) Orders Management d) Company's Information e) Administrators f) Offers g) Other information h) Newsletters 7. Used technologies
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» 5. Aditional pages » c) Help
c) Help [screen]
The pages with the information about the clients - how to operate with the site and its possibilities and advantages.
Information is organized by themes for convinience.
11.11.2024 - http://ecom.edabg.com