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» 6. Admin site » c) Orders Management
- Status
A page to Enter/Edit the order’s status. The system allows using these statuses
when servicing the clients’ orders. Consists of three dynamic pages - one containing
the list of statuses, one for editing and one for deleting.
o List [screen]
A list of all orders’ statuses is displayed. Links to Edit and Delete are
available next to every status.
Following is a form to enter a new status and an Add button.
o Edit
A page similar to the List page but only the table containing the list of statuses
is displayed and the status related data subject of editing is transformed to an Edit
field. Links to Save and Cancel are displayed next to this status.
o Delete
Data related to the status subject of deleting is displayed and links to confirm - Yes
and cancel - No the deleting.
There is a backward button to the list of statuses.