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» 6. Admin site » h) Newsletters
h) Newsletters:
- Newsletters
Pages for saving in the database of newsletters, their overviewing and sending to all clients
whitch want to receive them. The newsletter can be sent to a list of e-mails also.
o Nesletter's list [screen]
This is the first page for newsletters. Every newsletter can be edited and deleted. The list of
newsletters can be filtered by a date period.
o Edit newsletter [screen]
This is the page for editing of a newsletter. There are buttons for saving, canceling and
going back to the newsletter's list.
After entering the newsletter information, products from selected store
and department can be “attached”.
There can be three types of newsletters: with detail information about one product and
list of products; with full information about one product only; a list of products. The
product with full or detail information must be selected as “favourite”. The favourite
product can be deleted from the newsletter.
The newsletter can be viewed by clicking the preview button according to the language.
Every administrator can send a newsletter to one address at a time only but admin
can send it to all addresses according their category.
o Enter the newsletter
This is the page for entering the newsletter fields. There are buttons for saving and canceling.
After saving this page transfroms in edit page.