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» 2. Elements » c) Basket and orders
c) Basket and orders.
The basket [screen] is the place where users and clients put the products which
they intend to purchase. The basket information is kept long enough after user's log-out
of the system so that every time the user logs-in again he can access it, browse it and
put or remove products. This process is not time-limited.
The basket content is as follows:
- User/customer id;
- Basket creation date;
- Products quantity;
- List of products with every product:
o Product id and name;
o Quantity, price (in the currency of the price-list)
and value;
o .. etc.
The moment the customer decides to buy these products and upon entering the
information necessary to make the sale, the basket transforms into order. The
order includes details on:
- Basket content:
o Shipping cost;
o Tax;
o VAT;
o Total value of the order.
- Address information of shipping and billing;
- Shipping method;
- Payment method;
- rder status (initially is “placed”).
Any moment the customer may track his order [screen] and have information on date and time
its status has been changed. Information is saved on every status the order has passed,
- The status itself - placed, approved, processed,
fulfilled, shipped, removed;
- Date of status change;
- Additional information.