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is a fully functioning e-commerce web site, integrated with all main functionality necessary for an online store.

It's suitable for retailers and stores, as well as for midrange and small shops whose plans are to go online for their advertising, product catalogs and sales.

The purpose of the site that you are reading now is to bring closer to your attention our newest product: EDA Online Store.

What you will find here?


¬ EDA.Online.Store

Detailed description of our e-commerce web site, developed by EDA Ltd. This document is illustrated with diagrams and screen shots of the product. » more ...

¬  Product Demo

You can go and take a tour of our live demo online store and review its functionality. » more ...

¬ Our Clients

Companies that use EDA Online Store. » more ...

¬ Contact Information

Here you will find all necessary information to contact our company and development team and obtain more information or helpful consultation. » more ...

EDA.Online.Store - summary:

- public and admin site .

- unlimited number of products .

- product images and animations upload .

- end user and dealer prices, promotions .

- online order management .

- several payment methods, credit cards .

- customer registration: levels and passwords .

- automatic e-mail notification .

- shopping basket .

- product compare (prices, attributes) .

- search and "find" ;-) products .

- address book for shipping and billing .

- high reliability and information security .

- attractive design and intuitive interface .






¬ What is included in our product?

   EDA.Online.Store is a e-commerce web site. And like any similar product it is a set of software an services that includes:

¤ Superior graphical design of the web pages.

¤ Public Website with dynamic (active) content web pages. This is the site that Internet users and your customers will visit. This is the site that presents your company, your product catalogue and will support your efforts in online sales. This is the front site of your online store.

¤ Database for storing and maintaining product information, product prices, client information and their orders, as well as other dinamic site content.

¤ Administrative Website, or 'admin site' for managing the information of database, respectively the public website's content. Here you enter information for products, print reports, manage orders, etc. This website is for administrative purposes and only authorised and password protected access is permitted.

¤ Training for system management.

¤ Assistance in webhosting (choosing suitable ISP), assistance in registering domain name.

¤ Installation and setup the system for real work.

¬ Main Adavantages

   There are many advantages to mention in favor of EDA.Online.Store, but most important are:

¤ attractive:
attractive graphical design.

¤ convinient:
Intuitive user interface and convinient for customers' use.

¤ functional:
Deploys rich functionality to cover all the necessary features for an online store.

¤ easy of use:
Fast deployment and easy for management.

¤ up to date:
Uses up to date information technologies.

¤ cost effective:
Does not requre powerfull servers, computers and equpment. Uses open source free system software (Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL).



24.01.2025 - http://ecom.edabg.com
