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» 6. Admin site » b) Management of Customers
- Documents
Pages to manage the price lists (or any files containing documents, images, audio
and video data, etc.), i.e.: upload, description, organization with respect to the
clients’ level or products groups. The system allows uploading and saving in the
database files containing documents and after that they are offered for downloading
by the users and customers. These are two dynamic pages - one containing a list
of price-lists and the second one - for editing.
o List [screen]
A list of the price-lists /documents/ saved in the database is displayed. It is
sorted with respect to the related stores and the clients’ levels. There are links
to Edit and Delete functions next to every document.
There are two filter fields at the beginning of the list - one containing all
stores and the second one - containing the levels.
Following is a form of fields to enter data for a new document and Add button.
o Edit
A page similar to the List page but only the table with the documents’ list is
displayed and the document related data subject of editing is transformed to an
Edit field. Links to Save and Cancel are displayed next to the document.