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» 6. Admin site » b) Management of Customers
- Statuses
Pages for inserting product statuses from .xls file. The work is like inserting of prices,
described on the previous page.
The data from the .xls file have to be pasted in the textarea [screen]. The first row of
this information must contain the column names - Part #, Mfg #,
Name, OnStock, Expected, OnOrder.
Click “Analyze” and look at the analyzes data [screen].
Click “Check” to search the database for products with pasted part and manufacturer numbers.
If there is a corresponding product in the database, the first checkbox will be checked. If
there is an information about product status in pasted data, the second checkbox will be
checked. Only information about products with two checked checkboxes will be stored in the
DB [screen].
Click “Prepare” - only products witch information will be stored in the DB remain [screen].
The priority of status information is: OnStock, Expected, OnOrder. If there is information in
more than one column for statuses of a product the first-priority column data will be inserted.
Click “Insert” to save the information in the database. The list of products with stored data
will be displayed [screen].
There is a legend on the pages.